it was good, but not enough
good for the first 5 minutes until you realise that there will not be anything new happening for the next hour, or however long the game goes on for. i gave up trying to reach a conclusion of the game after about 20 minutes, where i hadnt seemed to have taken any noticeable damage, although i dont think there is anyway to tell. im not even sure you can die in this game, as the game didnt seem to show any sign of my turret being low in health.
the game has no change throughout, and is just the same thing happening for the whole game. there isnt any noticeable level changes, but i did feel that there were more enemies appearing (though as i had no sign of my health, i did not worry about dying at any point)
there is a lot of potential in this game, but the main game play is what i consider to be lacking. i like the way the gun heats up as you continuously use it, and i like the dropping power ups.
i would suggest you have a noticeable health bar, and make the damage stronger than what it seems to be at the moment, because with the damage that i took over the 20 minutes that i played, i would expect to have died, although i think i picked up health drops (but no way to tell) but either way the game should be harder.
you should also involve levels, or if you have already, tell the player in some way that the difficulty has risen.
although you have power ups, games like these are usually better if they involve upgrades, which you can do at the end of each level, using money that you can gain from the kills you make. the upgrades could improve bullet damage, bullet speed, total health, and anything else i havnt considered.
all this aside, it has really good potential, and i can tell you have put a lot of effort in it already. but at the moment the game doesnt seem to have any direction, other than just killing the enemy in the same way you have done for the last 20 minutes, without any difficulty.
good luck with any changes you make